Veterans Campus to Careers Toolkit

For student veterans moving into the workforce
A woman wearing an Army sweatshirt standing in front of a bulletin board

Women Veterans

Your unique issues

Question 1:

Currently, 10% of new recruits to the military are women.
Answer: False

Currently, 20% of new recruits to the military are women.

Question 2:

Women veterans have about the same types of disabilities as male veterans.
Answer: False

Though their rate of disability is nearly the same as male veterans, women veterans have different types of disabilities than their male counterparts.

Question 3:

Women veterans have, on average, more education than either male veterans or civilians.
Answer: True

About one-third of women veterans have completed a bachelor’s degree, a rate higher than male veterans as well as both male and female nonveterans.

Question 4:

Women veterans are more likely than nonveteran women to be studying and working while being the primary caretaker of children.
Answer: True

Women veterans are more likely than male veterans as well as nonveteran women to be primary caretakers of dependent children.

Question 5:

There are coordinators and program managers who specialize in the issues faced by women veterans.
Answer: True

Veterans Affairs (VA) regional health care and benefits services have specialists devoted to women veterans. Go to the Center for Women Veterans to find a person who specializes in benefits and services for women veterans.