Veterans Campus to Careers Toolkit

For student veterans moving into the workforce
Checking ammunition to make sure everything is ready

Getting Ready

Thinking through your directions and decisions

  • In most cases, telling an employer about your disability is your choice.
  • But you may need to disclose your disability in a few situations, such as when you ask for an accommodation. 
  • The employer might ask you to voluntarily indicate on a self-identification form that you are a veteran with a disability. If you do this, the information is kept anonymous and your personal disability information will never be shared with a supervisor or co-workers.
  • When applying for jobs, you can choose to tell some employers, but not others.
  • Even if you chose not to disclose your disability when you applied for the job, you still have a right to an accommodation later when you’re working.
  • Make a disclosure decision that’s right for you. Consider the employer, your own thoughts about your disability, and whether you need an accommodation.
  • Be prepared to make a good disclosure decision. Check out your potential employer. Are they disability- and veteran-friendly?
  • Think through how your impairment or functional limitation might impact your job tasks. If it’s unlikely you’d need an accommodation if hired, there is probably no reason to disclose.